A Job Is a Lot Like an Iceberg.
Beneath the Surface, So Much
Is Hidden.

PowerPosts Simply Add Dimension to What Lies
Beneath Your Employer Brand.

As powerful a tool as your Employer Brand may be, you’d be surprised what
an enhanced perspective reveals. You’d be surprised how critical it is to show
prospective candidates how your EB manifests itself in each individual role.
Into the day-to-day, Into the give and take of the job. That’s where the
three elements of the PowerPosts Total Opportunity Brand are so critical.



When You Enhance Each Job Description with PowerPost Power ContentTM You Open a Real Window Into What We Call the Total Job Opportunity.

Bringing it to Life, You’ll Instantly Start Seeing More Applications from the Right People Fly In.

We’re talking three quick, powerful headlines and paragraphs that we call PowerContent. To first grab them with how the role will allow them to do the thing they love most. Second, working with a team that supports them and brings out their best. And third, working in an organization climate that enables them to thrive.