A Tighter Relationship with Your Message Gives Ideal Candidates a Tighter Relationship with the Role.

It’s easy.

What with the explosion of Internet job boards. Not to mention the online pseudo consulting services promising job candidates exclusive access to jobs.
Easy to lose sight of the fact that this thing we call recruiting is, inherently, a people process. But sadly, one in which, more and more humanity is stripped away each day

Forget About “What”
Discover the Power of Who.

So here’s the thing.

The “Whats” of any given job? You’ve go those covered.

In spades.

Because the content of your current job postings, otherwise known as Infamous Boring Job Posting, is, essentially, the job description. And little more.  While not particularly exciting or attractive, it’s been thoroughly vetted. With stamps of approval from Management. D&I. Legal.

It thoroughly, exhaustively  outlines the details of the job, the skills and experience you’re looking for— the “Whats” you want.

And little to nothing about what the candidate might want. Nothing to catch their attention. Spark their imagination. Give them a real window into the opportunity.

Clearly, your concern about a lack of effectiveness from those Infamous Boring Job Postings is not just understandable. It’s warranted.

JobWriter PowerPosts will eliminate those concerns. By bringing some humanity to the process. . Rooted in behavioral science. Rooted in the Power of WHO. PowerPosts actually make a real case for what’s in it for the candidate. Actually addressing THEIR needs. And of course, the JobWriter platform is built on rock-solid database technology.

Yet, despite all its faults, the last thing you want to do is monkey with your
Infamous Boring Job Postings, precipitating the need for another round of approvals.
Thankfully, the JobWriter solution, that we call PowerPosts, simply enhances, adding to your content, changing nothing.about conrent in the process.
  • It’s Behavioral Science/IO Psychology-Based.

  • But selling a job, like any sales process, is a marketing function. A function that requires creativity and imagination. Something technology alone is not known for. Which is why, while based on science and driven by technology, the heart of every PowerPost, is CUSTOM CONTENT that only JobWriter creates, born of over 40 years of behavioral science and psychology-based Recruitment Marketing including work done by the Gallup organization. 
  • Highly Seasoned IO Trained Copywriters. 

  • These headlines and paragraphs that bring the keyword-driven Power of WHO attributes you choose to life, are the focus of some serious real human attention.

    In fact, that original, custom content we trust to nothing less than highly-seasoned, specifically trained advertising copywriters. Of course, this is ultimately what gives each PowerPost its unique, personal, human connecting power. It’s a hybrid process we call HumanIT. The perfect moniker for something that brings so much sorely needed humanity back into the people’s process. 

    Creating PowerPosts, that make instant, indelible, visceral connections with candidates ideally suited for each role. Doing something never possible before. Perfectly aligning with the specific opportunity. And branding the Total Opportunity Brand. As the ideal candidate’s job.